Child term for individuals born in Ireland
Michael O'Toole
Dale and Bumgardner payroll. Patrick O'Toole was born in Ireland in 1856 and came to Minnesota in 1866. He worked as a laborer on the grading of the Capitol grounds.
Michael Roach
1904 City Directory. Michael Roach was born in Ireland in 1850 and came to St. Paul in 1865. He worked at the Capitol as a watchman.
Bernard McLaughlin
1904 City Directory and 1905 Census. Bernard McLaughlin was born in Canada of Irish parents in 1857 and moved to Minnesota in 1885. He married here in 1888 and was living with his three children at this address in 1905.
Joseph Cavanaugh
1903 Payroll. Joseph Cavanaugh was born in Ireland in 1849 and he emigrated in 1877. His name appears in a September 1903 payroll when he did some work as a carpenter.
Michael Tucker
Dale and Bumgardner Payroll. Laborer Michael Tucker was born in Ireland in 1838 and came to Minnesota in 1884.
Daniel Cotter
Dale and Bumgardner Payroll. Daniel Cotter was born in 1863 in Ireland. He worked for Dale and Bumgardner grading the Capitol grounds in 1904. Cotter was a charter member of Teamsters Local 120 and was active in the union. He and his wife Mary lived for many years, and raised their family in St. Paul. 909 Fauquier no longer exists but would have been about here.
John Quinn
1897 Grant Payroll and City Directory. John Quinn was born in Ireland in 1863 and emigrated in 1882. He worked on the foundation of the Capitol for the George Grant Co. Quinn and his wife, Margaret, raised a large family here in St. Paul as he worked as a mason. According to a report in the St. Paul Globe, Quinn joined the Stone Masons Union in April of 1899.
William Wilson
1905 Payroll, 1903-1905 St. Paul City Directories. William Wilson was born in Ireland in 1872 and moved to Minnesota with his wife, Lena, in 1900. He was a member of Carpenters Local 87 and served as a Trustee of the local in 1902.
Patrick Wheeler
1897 Payroll and City Directory. Stonemason Patrick Wheeler was born in Ireland in 1863 and emigrated in 1883. He worked for George Grant on the construction of the foundation of the Capitol. Wheeler was an early member of the Stonemasons' Union. He and his wife, Nora, raised a large family here in St. Paul.