Rolling Credits from the Video Documentary
Script, Camera & Editing:
- Randy Croce
Sound Editing & Mixing:
- Chase Brandau
- Don Shelby
Audio Engineering:
- Jim May, Sound 80
Rathskeller German Mottoes Reading:
- Enrique Gentzsch
- Jeff Kaufer
Additional Video Footage:
- Pietro Bianchi
- Gus Ganley
- Howard Kling, Labor Education Service
- Georgia Marble Company
- Luigi Calderoni,
- Museo dello Scalpellino,
- courtesy: Comune di Madonna del Sasso
Descendants of Capitol Construction Era Workers
- Marvin Roger Anderson
- Jennifer Bangoura
- Jerry Blakey
- Patrick Butler
- John Danneker
- Julie Kierstine
- Elaine Olson Ekstedt
- Dorothy and Michelle Manke,
- Dave and Janet McAllister
- Linda Olson
- Howard Vetter
Architecture, Construction and History
- Dan Berry
- Kelley J. Casey
- Marvin “Hoss” Edge
- Stefano Follega
- Gerald Hughes
- Glen Johnson
- Ginny Lackovic
- Josef Dvorak Landsberger
- Frank May
- Harry Melander
- Ancestry.com
- Aldrich Public Library, Barre, VT
- Banning State Park
- Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 1
- Cathedral of Saint Paul
- Celeste R. Raspanti, Archivist
- Cass Gilbert Society
- Ted Lentz, President
- Marjorie Pearson, Historian
- Chaska Historical Society
- CSPS Hall
- Joe Landsberger, Archivist
- Fred Danner Collection, Le Sueur County
- Emory University Archives
- Georgia State Archives
- Georgianna E. Herman Center for Human Resources & Labor Studies Library, University of Minnesota
- Brenda Carriere, Director
- HGA Architects & Engineers/Michael J. Bjornberg & Ginny Lackovic
- Immigration History Research Center-University of Minnesota/Daniel Necas, Archivist
- Le Sueur County Historical Society/Kathy Burns, Coordinator
- Library of Congress
- Marble Valley Historical Society, GA/Mimi Jo Hill Butler (deceased), President Emeritus, Ruth Wall, President, Robert L. Butler, Sue Cochran
- Minnesota Historical Society/Deborah Miller, Reference Specialist
- Minnesota State Capitol Historic Site/Brian Pease, Site Manager
- Julie Davis, Researcher
- il Museo Emigrazione Gente di Toscana
- New York Historical Society Library/Cass Gilbert Collection
- Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation/Kerrie Blevins, Director, Nora McKinnon, Grants Administrator
- The Pickens Progress, Dan Pool, Editor
- Pipestone National Monument
- Quarry Park, Stearns County, MN/Pete Theismann & Chuck Wocken, Coordinators
- Ramsey County Historical Society
- Kevin Koontz
- Sheet Metal Workers Local 10
- Stanford University Library
- State Archives of Florida
- Stearns County History Museum and Research Center/John Decker, Asst. Archives Dir.
- University of California, Berkley Library
- Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota Libraries/Barbara Bezat, Assistant Archivist
- Vermont Historical Society
- Winona County Historical Society/Walt Bennick and Andy Bloedorn, Archivists
- Winona County Offices/Bob Bambenek, Recorder, Nancy Johnson, Deputy Recorder
- Wisconsin Historical Society Library and Archives
Each of the interviewed descendants
- Archie Anderson: family photos
- Hyman Berman, History Professor Emeritus, Univ. of MN
- Douglas Blackmon, Author, Slavery by Another Name
- Tom Blanck, Architect: Capitol Commission photographs
- Karen Butler: Family photos
- Peter Butler: Family history
- Twiss Butler: Family history, memoir and photos
- Steve Cox, Teacher, Washington Middle School, St. Paul
- Prof. Robert S. Davis, Dir., Family & Regional History Wallace State Community College, AL
- Steve Fore, Harley Meyer & Duane Olson-JE Dunn Capitol Site Superintendents
- Kenneth Frank: Research
- Linda Woodward Geiger: Research, GA
- Mike Hazard, Video Consultant
- Harvey Jaeger, Project Mgr., MN-Real Estate and Construction Services Administration
- Sharon Jenson, Community Relations Director-Cold Spring Granite Company
- Janet Johnson, Finance Office, CSOM, U of MN
- Michael Justin, Archaeologist
- Minnesota Historical Society/David Grabitske & Joseph Hoover - Outreach Services, John Fulton & Melinda Hutchinson - Grants
- Labor Education Service-Barb Kucera, Director, Howard Kling, Media Director, Sharice McCain, Exec. Office and Admin. Specialist
- Kathleen Laughlin, Video Consultatnt
- Larry Marcus: Photographer
- Monica Martner: Transcriptions
- Eric Mortenson, Photo Lab Supervisor, MHS
- Frank May: Researcher, GA
- Bob Milani: Stonecutters history, GA
- Peter Rachleff, History Dept., Macalester College
- John Ray, Quarry railroad track builder
- Lynne Smith: photos, GA
- Jim Vetter, Manager, Vetter Stone
- Mark Wickstrom, Stonecutter
The music for the soundtrack comes mainly from the period of the Minnesota Capitol's construction, much of it written and/or published in St. Paul.
Works arranged and performed by
Julie Ayer, violin and Susan Billmeyer, piano
Audio Engineering: Steve Kaul, Wild Sound
The Appeal Grand Triumphal March
by William A Weir, WJ Dyer & Co., St. Paul, 1892
Autumn Leaves Mazurka
by Mary Gridley (Northfield MN)
Sherman and Hyde, San Francisco, 1874
Four Romantic Pieces, Op. 75
by Antonin Dvorak
Fyra Sma Grisar Gingo ut pa vift
(Four Little Pigs Went Out on the Lose)
by Fru Anna Lundberg
Musiktidnings Forlag , Minneapolis
German Country Dance No.1 in C Major
by Ludwig Van Beethoven
Peacherino Three-Step
by Harry Delafield
Professional Music Pub. Co., New York & St. Paul
Sonata in F Major for Violin and Piano, Op. 8
by Edvard Grieg
Snelling March and Two-Step
by Schürer Werner
Schürer Werner, St. Paul, 1904
The Suzanne Waltz
by K. Maud Clum
WJ Dyer & Bro., St. Paul,1899
Topsy Two-Step
by Libbie Erickson
Royal Music Co., St. Paul,1903
Works arranged and performed by
Butch Thompson, piano
Audio Engineering:
Steve Kaul, Wild Sound
All That I Ask Is Love
by Herbert Ingraham
Marice Shapiro, NY, 1910
Flee as a Bird to Your Mountain
by Mary S. Shindler,1842
In the Dark
by Bix Beiderbecke
Robins Music, New York, 1931
Maple Leaf Rag
by Scott Joplin
John Stark and Son, 1899
Minnesota Street Rag and March
by Fred Swanson
American Music Publishing, St. Paul, 1903
Several improvisations
Battle Cry of Freedom
by George F. Root
Played by the National Military Band
courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
Battle Hymn of the Republic/John Brown's Body
by C. S. Marsh
Published by C.S. Hall, 1861
Arranged and conducted by Frank Bencriscutto
Centennial Alumni Band, University of Minnesota
Black Gal
Ed Lewis and group of prisoners
(Traditional, Arr. Ed Lewis)
Global Jukebox Publishing (BMI)
The Alan Lomax Collection at The American Folklife Center, The Library of Congress. Used by Permission from
The Association for Cultural Equity.
Chanson d'Autrefois
by Gabriel Pierné, arr. Marcel Mule
Performed by the Ancia Quartet
courtesy: David Milne
McAbee's Railroad Piece
Palmer McAbee, harmonica
Pisni ka eska and Lvi Silou
Performed by Sokol Singers
Provided by Frank Trnka
courtesy: Czech & Slovak Sokol Minnesota
by Claudio Grafulla, arr. W.R. Baccus and T.L. Cornet
Performed by the Dodworth Saxhorn Band
Solace - A Mexican Serenade
by Scott Joplin
Seminary Music, 1909
Performed by Ancora Brass Quintet
courtesy: Walking Frog Records
Trad., Arranged and performed by
Dan Chouinard, accordion
Engineering: Richard Stachow
- This project has been financed in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society
- Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation
- Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies, Carlson School, University of Minnesota
- International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, Washington, DC
- International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 1
- North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters
- Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49
- Sheet Metal Workers Local 10
- Teamsters Joint Council 32
- whobuiltourcapitol.org
Website Design and Creation:
- Victoria Woodcock, MS, MLIS
Website Architecture, Support & Hosting:
- Advantage Labs, Inc.- Barry Madore, Jeremiah Davis & Allie Micka
© 2013 Labor Education Service University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.