The Project Team would like to thank the following organizations and individuals for their support:
- This project has been funded in part with funds provided by the State of Minnesota from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund through the Minnesota Historical Society
- Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation
- Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
- International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers
- International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 1
- North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters
- Education Minnesota Foundation for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- International Union of Operating Engineers – Local 49
- Sheet Metal Workers Local 10
- Teamsters Joint Council 32
Descendants of the Capitol Construction Workers
- Marvin Roger Anderson, grandson of Ernest Jones, bricklayer, stone mason
- Jennifer Bangoura, great granddaughter of Ernest Jones, bricklayer/stone mason
- Jerry Blakey - grandson of bricklayer/stone mason Casiville Bullard
- Alvin Bous - grandson of stonecutter
- Patrick Butler - grandson of Emmett Butler, Capitol general contractor partner
- Jim Danneker, John Danneker and Julie Kierstine -great grandchildren of John Rachac, Capitol carpenter
- Elaine Olson Ekstedt and Linda Olson - great granddaughters of Zebulon Olson Capitol crane operator
- Dorothy and Michelle Manke, descendants of sheet metal roofer Otto Manke
- Dave & Janet McAllister – descendants of stonecutter Erick Isaacson
- Howard Vetter, Chairman Vetter Stone, grandson of Capitol construction era quarry worker Bernard Vetter
Architectural, Construction and Historical Interviews
- Dan Berry, Retired Publicity Director, Georgia Marble Co.
- Kelley Casey, formally with HGA, currently with Preservation Design Works
- Marvin “Hoss” Edge, Georgia Quarry Worker
- Jim Hanson, Business Mgr., International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49
- Gerald Hughes, Quarry Supervisor, Polycor, Tate, GA
- Ginny Lackovic, Architect, HGA Architects and Engineers
- Josef Dvorak Landsberger, Czech and Slovak Protective Society
- Frank May, Land Title and Historical researcher, Georgia
- Harry Melander, President Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council
- Harley Meyer, Dome Restoration Project Superintendent,
- JE Dunn Construction Co.
- John Ray, Retired Railroad Superintendent, Georgia Marble Co.
Capitol Dome 2010-2013 Restoration Construction Site Workers
- Jason Alferness, Laborers Local 563
- Stefano Follega, Stonecutter, Grazzini Brothers & Co., Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 1
- Rickey Klande, Bricklayers Local 1
- Sean Cotton, Structural Engineer, HGA Architecture
- Kevin Schenemann, Laborers Local 563
- Paul Schwartz, Bricklayers Local 1
- Steve Youngstrom, Bricklayers Local 1
- Heidie Xu, Gilder, Evergreene Architectural Arts, New York
- Julie Ayer, Music Arranger and Violinist
- Susan Billmeyer, Arranger and Pianist
- Butch Thompson, Pianist
- Frank Trnka, CSPS Musical Archivist –Czech folksongs
Archive, Photograph and Research Contributors/Consultants
- Marvin Roger Anderson, grandson of Ernest Jones, bricklayer- photos
- Archie Anderson, grandson, Ernest Jones, bricklayer- photos
- Bob Bambenek, Winona County Recorder
- Walt Bennick, archivist, Winona County Historical Society
- Hyman Berman, History Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota
- Barbara Bezat, Assistant Archivist, Northwest Architectural Archives,
- University of Minnesota
- Douglas Blackmon, Author, Slavery by Another Name
- Tom Blanck, Architect, Member of Cass Gilbert Society -
- Capitol Commission Photo Album, other photographs, research
- Kerrie Blevins, Director and Nora McKinnon, Grants Administrator, Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation - financial support, arranging interviews and talks, Emmett Butler memoir
- Michael J Bjornberg, Architect, HGA Architects and Engineers
- Andy Bloedorn, Archivist, Winona County Historical Society
- Blueridge Ridge Marble Company, Nelson, Georgia
- Kathy Burns, Society Coordinator, Le Sueur County Historical Society
- Mimi Jo Hill Butler (dec.), Past President, Marble Valley Historical Society
- Karen Butler – family recollections and photographs
- Peter Butler – family history, financial support
- Robert L. Butler – photos of Georgia marble industry
- Twiss Butler – family recollections, Emmett Butler memoir and photos
- Dot Byrd, Ball Ground, GA – railroad photo
- Brenda Carriere, Director Georgianna E. Herman Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies Library, University of Minnesota
- Elaine Challecombe, MLS, Curator (ret.) and Lois Hendrickson, Acting Director, Wangensteen Library of Biology and Science, University of Minnesota
- City of Chaska Historic Context Study, Prepared for the Chaska Heritage Preservation Commission, Chaska, Minnesota. Prepared by Thomas R. Zahn & Associates, Bethany Gladhill, Project Associate
Spring 2006
- Fred Danner - photographs and documents on the history of Kasota, MN area
- Julie Davis, Researcher, MN State Capitol Historic Site
- Robert S. Davis, Director, Family & Regional History Program and Sr. Professor of Genealogy & History Wallace State Community College, Hanceville, Alabama
- John Decker, Asst. Director Of Archives, Stearns County History Museum and Research Center
- Paul Elliott Dahl, Library Director Barr Library , Minnesota Department of Health
- Emory University Manuscripts, Archives, and Rare Book Library, Atlanta, Georgia
- Darian Flansburg, Scandinavian-American Genealogical Society, Brainerd, Minnesota
- Linda Woodward Geiger, Certified Genealogist, Former President, Marble Valley Historical Society, Jasper, GA
- Georgia State Archives, Morrow, Georgia
- Ruth Hall, President, Marble Valley Historical Society, Pickens County, GA
- Irish Gazette
- Nancy Johnson, Winona County Recorder’s Office
- Sharon Jenson, Community Relations Director, Cold Spring Granite Company
- Michael Justin, archaeologist
- Ginny Lackovic, Architect, HGA Architects and Engineers
- Frank May, Land title and historical researcher, Georgia
- Harry Melander, President, Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council
- Harley Meyer & Duane Olso, Capitol Dome Restoration Project Superintendents
- JE Dunn Construction Company
- Alison McAdam, Glascow, Scotland-Scottish immigrant history and placenames
- Bob Milani, great grandson of Georgia stonecutter
- Deborah Miller, Reference Specialist, Minnesota Historical Society
- Minneapolis Labor Review
- Daniel Necas, Research Archivist, Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota
- Marjorie Pearson, Former President, Cass Gilbert Society
- Pickens County Progress
- Polycor Corporation, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
- Celeste R. Raspanti, Archivist, St. Paul Cathedral
- Peter Rachleff, History Department/Macalester College
- Kathy Sader, O’Halloran & Murphy Funeral Home, Minneapolis, MN
- Joel Shedlofsky, Archivist, Sisters of the Good Shepard, Saint Louis, MO
- Lynne Smith – photos of project activities in Georgia
- Amy Spong, Historic Preservation Specialist, Department of Planning and Economic Development, City of Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission
- Tammy Tell, great granddaugher of stone cutter/carver Alexander Fraser-information.
- Pete Theismann and Chuck Wocken, Operations Coordinators, Quarry Park, Stearns County, MN
- Rudy Thell, MD, Health East Care System, Saint Paul, Minnesota and descendant of William L. Sudeith-photos and information
- William Tyre, Executive Director and Curator, Glessner House Museum, Chicago, Illinois. Information about stone sculptor Frederick Purdy
- Untold Stories: Labor History Series, Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library
- Jim Vetter, Manager, Vetter Stone – quarry
- Ruth Wall, President, Marble Valley Historical Society, Jasper, Georgia
- Winona County Historical Society, Winona, Minnesota
- Jeff Kaufer, Steadicam Operator
- Howard Kling, Media Director, Video Producer, Labor Education Service - video
- Barry Madore, Allie Micka, Jeremiah Davis, Web Consultants, Advantage Labs, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Larry Marcus, Photographer
- Monica Martner, Transcriptionist
- Eric Mortenson, Photo Lab Supervisor, MN Historical Society
- Mark Wickstrom, Former Apprentice Coordinator, Bricklayers Local 1, Stonecutting demonstration, research, information