Bibliography & Sources
Who Built Our Minnesota State Capitol Building?
Project Bibliography
Randy Croce
David Riehle
John Sielaff,
Victoria H. Woodcock
March 2011
~ ~ ~
This document is a compilation of most of the sources of information we consulted in support of the “Who Built Our Capitol?” project being carried out by the Labor Education Service of the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities as of the end of the first research stage in 2011. This document contains information about the following types of primary and secondary research materials: newspapers, photographs, census records, web sites and books, and was obtained from the Minnesota Historical Society, the Marble Valley Historical Society and Museum, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the Minnesota Genealogical Society, and numerous individuals. These scraps of information have slowly come together to paint a picture of the lives of the individuals who worked on the Capitol building, and for five men, their deaths on the work site.
Victoria Woodcock, MS, MLIS – researcher, report author
March 2011
Other Researchers:
Randy Croce (Project Director)
David Riehle
John Sielaff
The following newspapers are in microform format at the Minnesota Historical Society Microfilm Library, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Search terms:
Hennepin County (Minn.)—Newspapers
Labor Unions—Minnesota—Minneapolis--Newspapers
Minneapolis (Minn.)—Newspapers
Minnesota State Federation of Labor--Newspapers
Ramsey County (Minn.)—Newspapers
Saint Paul (Minn.)—Newspapers
Saint Paul Trades and Labor Assembly (Saint Paul, Minn.)--Newspapers
Trades and Labor Assembly of Minneapolis
Anchor and Shield (A.O.U.W.) & The AOUW Guide
Publication dates
Newspapers devoted to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, a fraternal order that sold life insurance to working class white men (no women, no African Americans) and also provided social entertainments for its members. From lists of chapter affiliates, it was probably a large organization. Criteria for joining usually printed on front page.
Afro-American Advance
Publication dates: 1899-1905
Articles of interest to African American community in Twin Cities. No mention of capitol construction
Publication dates
Newspaper coverage of the Hamline area of St. Paul. International, national news. Some neighborhood news. No mention of capitol construction or working men or women.
Saint Paul Dispatch
-May 7, 1896, page 5/”First Sod is Cut:” ground breaking for capitol building.
-same date and page/ “To A Saint Paul Man:” awarding of foundation contract to George J. Grant.
-May 14, 1896, page 8/Photograph of groundbreaking ceremony.
-May 28, 1896, page 5/”Seventeen Want It: That Many Would Be Superintendent of Construction:” mentions the names of the men who applied for this position.
-July 23, 1897, last page/”On The Grand Order:” full page artists rendering of the interior of the chambers of the Senate, Court, and House of Representatives.
-July 21, 1897 page 5/”Carnival of Fun:” List of events surrounding the laying of the capitol cornerstone.
-July 28,1897 front page/”Stone in Place.”
-August 2, 1897, page 5/”Capitol Building Finances.”
-same date and page/”Of Georgia Marble:” comparison of Minnesota granite and Georgia marble.
-June 25, 1903/”Head Long to His Death:” Death of John Corregan.
-January 2, 1905/”Swarming on the New Hive:” political cartoon showing the opening of the capitol building.
-August 16, 1897, front page/ “It Is Settled:” choice of Georgia marble for the exterior.
Saint Paul Pioneer Press
See articles cited in Appendix 3: Accidental Deaths and Appendix 4: People Involved in Building the MN State Capitol
The Minneapolis Journal
Publication dates: 1888-1939
-August 3, 1897, pg. 6/ “Home-Grown Stone.”
-same date and page/”That Capitol Stone:” article about organized labor.
-September 1, 1897, front page/”In A Shell of Marble.”
-same date, page 4/” The Capitol Stone:” editorial about out of state materials.
-September 2, 1897, front page/ political cartoon-shows out of work Minnesota quarry man
-August 28, 1897/”No Georgia Marble:” article about organized labor’s opposition to Georgia marble being used in state capitol building construction.
The Minneapolis Tribune
-August 4 1902, p. 6/ 400 men working on capitol; “Last marble laid:” Stoneworkers strike over non-union blacksmith
-January 28, 1904/ “All Join Together: Contractors and laborers unite in fight against Capitol Commission” Painting and decorator companies and workers protest against Capitol Commission using outside painters
See also articles cited in Appendix 3: Accidental Deaths and Appendix 4: People Involved in Building the MN State Capitol
The Minnesota Union Advocate
Publication dates: February 5, 1897 – December 28, 1900
-April 28, 1897/Local Events: article about how work on the new government building would provide work for local bricklayers.
-June 25, 1897/”Of Native Stone:”article demanding the use of Minnesota stone in the new capitol building construction. “Mass Meeting:” union resolution to support the use of Minnesota stone.
-September 3, 1897/Labor Day issue. A number of articles about female union leaders.
The Laborer/ The Socialist Party of Minnesota
No local information on labor or working men in St. Paul or Ramsey county. Consists mostly of national news, a lot of Socialist ideologies explained.
The Saint Paul Daily Globe
Publication dates:
-May 6, 1898, page 4/”Only Lived a Few Hours:” article about the death of Felix Arthur.
-May 21, 1899/” Some Bad Accidents:” article about the injury of William (Vernon)Cole and the death of Michael McNierney.
-April 28, 1900/” One Dead, One Injured:” article about the death of Albert Swanson.
-June 30, 1900, page 2/”Capitol Accidents Fall:” article about the death of Florian Zauner.
-January 3, 1905/full page on the opening of the new capitol building.
The Saint Paul Union Advocate
Publication dates:
Paper consists of national news items, essays on why organized labor was important-local news largely devoted to local union meetings. Classified ads consisted of union supported business.
-Friday, January 2, 1903/Woman’s issue
-many missing issues. Mostly reprints of articles of national labor interest. Very brief blurbs of local union meetings.
The Union/Official Organ of the Minneapolis Trades and Labor Assembly
Publication dates: 1894-1907
Miscellaneous Records
Death Records
Coroner’s Record Books, 1901-1975
State Archives of Ramsey County
Record ID: 001735745
John Carrington (AKA Corigton, Corregan, Bowdin, or Bowden)
Post Mortem Examination Record/J. Ohage, MD
June 25, 1903.
Minnesota Health Department
Death Record Cards 1900
Saint Paul
Ramsey County
Microfilm Roll 12, A-R
Alfred Magnuson (AKA L. Magnuson) Death Card
Minnesota Health Department
Death Record Cards 1900
Saint Paul
Ramsey County
Microfilm Roll 13, S-Z
Albert Swanson Death Card
Florian Zauner (AKA Florane Zauner) Death Card
Labor Union Records
Search Terms
-labor and laboring classes—Minnesota
-labor unions—Minnesota-Saint Paul
International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 36
Saint Paul, Minn.
Organizational records for 1903-1907
Carpenter’s and Joiners Brotherhood of America, Local 87
Organizational records consisting of:
- Union meeting minute books,
- Local membership and dues records,
- financial records, and daybooks.
Vol. 22
-this is a detailed record of dues payment on the part of union members. Shows name and date of initiation, birth date, and record of payment.
-Membership and visitor records. Names and addresses of members from other locals who have traveled to the Twin Cities to work. Very extensive record. Dated 1899-1920s.
Vol. 58
-Day book summary of expenses. The pages are very full of members names. Many members working at this time.
Vol. 50
Record Book begins in 1885
-Very detailed record of expenses. Shows receipts on the left page expenses on the right.
Vol. 57
Day book
-shows records of payments by members. Very detailed. Includes summaries of payments and expenditures.
Vol. 55
Ledger book-pages cut out
Bricklayers, Masons, and Cement Blocklayers, Local 1
Organizational records for 1882-1950.
P-6, Box 2, book labeled Vol.2
- correspondance and related records,
- -traveling cards,
- certificates of deposit,
- secretary’s record books. Some mention of where the men were working but nothing on the capitol site. Does contain the names and addresses of individual members. Also contains lists of men who were delinquent with their dues payments.
-Resolution adopted that supports the use of home materials on new capitol building.
P-6, Box 4, Day Books
Vol. 16
-Account books of the union local #1. Detailed records of local income and disbursements.
Vol. 18
-Names of scab bricklayers and amount of their fine ($50).
Vol. 17
-Extensive record of traveling cards, correspondence.
-Names of members and their dues payments.
Vol. 14
-Names and addresses of union members and names of individual(s) to whom death benefits were to be paid.
Vol. 6
-meeting minutes
Records representing severalMinnesota bricklayers, stonecutters, masons, mosaic and tile layers unionsstored at theMinneapolis office of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Union Local 1, 1888-1996
See Appendix 5 for list of all volumes and some entries relevant to Capitol and the local’s address.
Records representing several sheet metal and related unions in Minnesota, 1895-1967,stored at the officesof Sheet Metal Workers Local 10, Maplewood, MN
See Appendix 5 for list of all volumes and an entry relevant to Capitol and the local’s address.
St. Paul Building and Construction Trades Council
No longer has any records from the Capitol construction era
Address Books
Minneapolis-Saint Paul City Address Books
Dual City Blue Books, 1897-1898 (Household directories)
This particular book contained the following information:
pg. 3-“Hints on Etiquette”
pg. 24-25-City government officials and their addresses
pg. 25-Fire department
pg. 27-List if all churches
pg. 33-Social clubs
pg. 35-Names and addresses of newspapers
pg. 43-65-Streets and avenues in St. Paul
pg. 247-St.Paul shopping guide
Other Files Relating to Capitol Construction
Minnesota’s New Capitol, America’s Most Artistic Building and the Handsomest West of the Alleghenies
Call # F613.S82 N656 1904-Unavailable
Minnesota Historical Society Sound and Visual Collection/Charles W. Jerome Photographic Albums
Album #- Exterior and Interior Photos of Minnesota Capitol Building
Call # II.16
Specifications of the General Construction, State Capitol Building for State of Minnesota, located in City of St. Paul
Author: Minnesota: Board of State Capitol Commissioners
Call # F613.S8 C2 M6
Minnesota History Society Pamphlet Collection
Pamphlets Relating to the Minnesota State Capitol and Environs
St. Paul, MN 1898
F613. S8 C2
Photos of the grounds surrounding the construction site and later photos of the grounds after the capitol was built. Shows the immediate neighborhoods surrounding the capitol.
Minnesota Board of State Capitol Commissioners
Call # 113.C.1.8F
These specific collections contain specifications, bids, and contract awards for all the construction and interior furnishings for the capitol construction. Extensive and detailed.
Call # 113.C.2.1B
In addition to information re furnishings, this particular file contains detailed payroll information from Dale & Baumgartner, and Butler Brothers and the final settlement with Cass Gilbert showing the names of all the contractors and suppliers and the total amount they were paid.
Butler Brothers Capitol Extra Work Pay Roll, Bill 11270, 1905
Lists specific jobs, such as fastening gallery seats, replacing broken windows, etc. with names, occupations pay rates and hours.
Dale & Bumgardner (subcontractor) payroll records for New Capitol, November 1904 lists names, occupations, hours, pay rates and total monthly compensation.
Historic Preservation Office
National Registry of Historic Places
Minnesota State Capitol Building
Casiville Bullard House (bricklayer & stone mason)
Minnesota Historical Society/Museum Collections
Oakland Women’s Temperance Union (St. Paul, Minnesota)
c. 1905/Meeting Announcement
Call # 1989.358.2
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Biennial Report, 1899-1900
Includes information on numbers of people employed, their occupations, working time and weekly wages, inspection reports and accident statistics broken down by occupation.
Labor and Industry Dept., Bureau of Labor Statistics Biennial Reports, 1888-1930
The 1903-04 Report has detailed information on Minnesota accidents and strikes, including a 1904 lockout in Kasota of International Stone Cutters Union quarry workers by C.W. Babcock, which supplied the limestone for the interior of the Capitol.
Music Collection
Sheet Music for songs from Capitol Construction period
“The Appeal: Grand Triumphal March” by William A. Weir. St. Paul: W.J. Dyer & Bro.
“Minnesota Street Rag March” by Fred Swanson. St. Paul: American Music Publishing.
Fred Danner, Cleveland, MN
Private collection of Kasota, MN area photographs and
documents, including many materials on local limestone industry from Capitol construction period
Georgianna E. Herman Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies Library
The Penny Press
-Dec 9, 1895; pg. 8; Issue 43; col E/ “Labor Federation Workingmen of the State Discuss Matters of Interest to Their Organization” (Opposes use of convict labor in building Capitol)
-April 21, 1896/ Bids on Capitol foundation
-May 12, 1896; Issue 135; col D/ “Northwest Notes Winona, MN Stone from the Steinbauer quarry...”
-May 1, 1896;pg. 10; Issue 126; col C/ “George J. Grants Gets It”
Immigration History Research Center, Andersen Library, University of Minnesota
Letters and archives of ethnic organizations.
Materials on Capitol sculptor Carlo Brioschi in the John Vannelli collection. Odone Papers have extensive clippings on the Italian community beginning in early 1900s
Le Sueur County Historical Society
Photos of Charles Babcock, quarry owner
Books and pamphlets on history of area stone industry
Minnesota State Capitol Historic Site Office files
Several folders of notes and references to MHS records on Capitol and contact information for several families whose ancestors worked on the Capitol
Northwest Architectural Library, Andersen Library, University of Minnesota
Books on the Butler Brothers Co. and Minnesota stone
Records of Drake Marble Company and Flour City Iron Works
Two folders of Cass Gilbert-related items including articles from the Improvement Bulletin (See Appendix 7.)
New York Historical Society, Cass Gilbert Collection
Extensive collection of architectural plans, correspondence, other documents and photographs. (See enclosed guide to these records.)
Ramsey County Historical Society
No records on Capitol construction found
St. Paul Public Library – St. Paul Collection
No records on Capitol construction found
Stearns County Historical Society
Extensive collection of photographs, maps, newspaper articles and books on the area granite industry
A Century of Enduring Beauty: Cold Spring Granite Company.
Cold Spring, MN: Cold Spring Granite Co., 2002.
St. Cloud Daily Times
-January 25, 1898,p.2 “May Remove to St. Cloud” Rockville Co.
-September 1, 1898, p. 3/ “Public Auction: Sale of Rockville Granite Company’s Property”
-September 30, 1898 “He Bought the Plant: Henry Alexander Buys the Rockville Granite Co. Outfit”
-February 17, 1913, p. 3/”Rockville Producer Dead” Henry Alexander
Wisconsin Historical Society John R Commons Labor Archive
Extensive collection of many international and local unions’ records, including convention and local minutes. No references to Minnesota Capitol found in one day exploration.
Andreozzi, John, Personal note cards copied from 1920 Census for St. Paul listing information on all Italians involved in stone work and other construction trades
Calvary Cemetery Burial Records (John Geary)
Family Search: Free Family History, Family Tree, and
Genealogy Records and Resources from Around the World
Georgia USGenWeb Archives Project,
George Meany Memorial Archives,
Marble Valley Historical Society,
Minnesota Department of Health Barr Library,
Saint Paul, Minnesota http://www.health.state.mn.us/library/about.htm
“Nelson Georgia” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
North Georgia Railroad,
Pickens County Library, Pickens County, Georgia,
Scandinavian-American Genealogical Society and the Minnesota Genealogical Society
PO Box 16069
1650 Carroll Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 66116-0069
Stone Quarries and Beyond,
Bowles, Oliver. The Structural and Ornamental Stones of Minnesota. Bulletin 663. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1918.
O'Sullivan, Thomas. North Star Statehouse: An Armchair Guide to
the Minnesota State Capitol. St. Paul: Pogo Press, 1994.
Thompson, Neil, B. Minnesota’s State Capitol: The Art and
Politics of a Public Building. St. Paul: Minnesota
Historical Society Press, 2005.
Videotaped Interviews
Capitol Dome 2010 Restoration Construction Site
Jason Alferness, Laborers Local 563
Rickey Klande, Bricklayers Local 1
Sean Cotton, Structural Engineer, HGA Architecture
Ginny Lackovic, Architect, HGA Architecture
Harley Meyer, Dome Restoration Project Superintendent,
JE Dunn Construction Co.
Kevin Schenemann, Laborers Local 563
Paul Schwartz, Bricklayers Local 1
Steve Youngstrom, Bricklayers Local 1
Descendants of Capitol Construction Era Workers
Alvin Bous, grandson of stonecutter
Elaine Olson Ekstedt and Linda Olson, great granddaughters of Zebulon Olson Capitol crane operator
Howard Vetter, Chairman Vetter Stone, grandson of Capitol construction era quarry worker Bernard Vetter
Jim Vetter, Manager, Vetter Stone
Hyman Berman, History Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota
Barbara Bezat, Asst. Archivist
Northwest Architectural Archives, Andersen Library
University of Minnesota
Michael J Bjornberg, AIA
HGA Architects and Engineers
Tom Blanck
Architect, Member of Cass Gilbert Society
Capitol Commission Photo Album, other photographs, research
Kathy Burns
Society Coordinator
Le Sueur County Historical Society
Elaine Challecombe, MLS, Curator
Lois Hendrickson, Assistant Curator
Wangensteen Library of Biology and Science
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Brenda Carriere, Director
Georgianna E. Herman Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies Library, University of Minnesota
Fred Danner
Cleveland, Le Sueur County, MN
Private collector: photographs and documents on the history of Kasota, MN area
Julie Davis
Researcher, MN State Capitol Historic Site
John Decker, Asst. Dir. Of Archives
Stearns County Historical Society
Paul Elliott Dahl, Library Director
Barr Library , Minnesota Department of Health
Darian Flansburg
Scandinavian-American Genealogical Society
Brainerd, Minnesota
Linda Gieger
Mimi Jo Butler
Marble Valley Historical Museum
Nelson, Georgia
Sharon Jenson, Community Relations Director
Cold Spring Granite Company
Ginny Lackovick
HGA Architects and Engineers
Harley Meyer
Capitol Dome Restoration Project Superintendent
JE Dunn Construction Company
Harry Melander, President
Minnesota Building and Construction Trades Council
Marjorie Pearson, Historian
Cass Gilbert Society
Deborah Miller, Reference Specialist
Minnesota Historical Society
Brian Pease, Site Manager
Minnesota State Capitol Historic Site
Peter Rachleff, History Professor
Macalester College
Amy Spong
Historic Preservation Specialist
Department of Planning and Economic Development,
City of Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission
Howard Vetter,
Chairman, Vetter Stone, Mankato MN
James Vetter, Vetter Stone, Mankato MN
Appendix 1
Minnesota Historical Society/Museum Collections-Furniture
Minnesota Historical Society Museum Object Call #: 1990.53.1
Minnesota State Capitol armchair.
1905 (Cleveland, Ohio : Marble and Shattuck Chair Co.).
Physical Details
1 item : wood, leather ; 97 x 53 x 46 cm.
Minnesota Historical Society Museum Object Call #: 1988.250.9 1
Chair from Minnesota State Capitol.
Physical Details
1 item.
Local Note
Classification no. FU02C
Minnesota Historical Society Museum Object Call #: 1988.250.17 7-9, 19
Armchairs from Minnesota State Capitol.
Physical Details
4 items.
Local Note
Classification no. FU02C
Minnesota Historical Society Museum Object Call #: 70.151
Slant-front desk.
Physical Details
1 item ; maple ; 88 (h) x 76 x 62 cm.
Small maple desk used by the Minnesota state legislature has a leather writing surface, rear gallery, and post and ball decoration. Two drawers below the desk top. Base has four turned wood legs and a low shelf with railing.
Local Note
Classification no. FU02F
Minnesota Historical Society Museum Object Call #: 1978.49
Mahogany kneehole desk.
Physical Details
1 item ; mahogany, brass ; 80 (h) x 92 x 168 cm.
Mahogany kneehole desk used by governor’s Executive Office Aide, W.F. "Billy" Williams in the Governor’s Reception Room, Minnesota State Capitol, 1905-1957. Symmetrical desk has a tier of four drawers on each pedestal with carved handles, and a sliding wood tray with a brass pull above each tier. Center drawer above kneehole has carved ornament and a brass keyhole rosette. Drawer interiors are notched for insert dividers. Desk has a plinth base and plain exterior sides.
Local Note
Classification no. FU02F
Minnesota Historical Society Museum Object Call #: 1981.5.2
Gilbert, Cass, 1859-1934, designer.
Leather and mahogany desk chair.
Physical Details
1 item : mahogany, leather ; 106 (h) x 66 x 52 cm.
Brown leather and mahogany desk chair has a leather upholstered back and seat and eagle’s head arm ends. The swivel base is cross shaped with claw feet on casters. Chair is one of the original furnishing pieces of the Minnesota State Capitol, designed by Cass Gilbert. A small brass tag under the right arm is marked "#584".
Local Note
Classification no. FU02C
Minnesota Historical Society Museum Object Call #: 1992.150.1 A-E
Cabinet and bookcase from state office.
[ca. 1900]
Physical Details
1 item with 5 units : oak, glass ; approx. 199 x 43 x 107 cm.
Cabinet or bookcase of quarter-sawn oak consists of five stacking units: bottom three are hinged double door cabinets with handles at center with holders for labels, top two sections are glass-front barrister’s bookshelves. The latter have "STATE OF MINNESOTA" and "Shaw-Walker" labels, also "1569" in white ink inside one door. Unit has a "376519" state property tag. Used in the secretary of state’s office but not an original example of Cass Gilbert furniture.
Local Note
Classification no. FU02J
Minnesota Historical Society Museum Object Call #: 1990.200.1
Wooton desk from Governor’s Reception Room in Minnesota State Capitol.
[early 20th century] (Indianapolis, Ind. : Wooten Desk Co.).
Physical Details
1 item : wood ; 79 x 142 x 85 cm.
Double pedestal desk of unidentified wood made by the Wooton Desk Company, Indianapolis, Ind., early 20th century. Desk top is molded and now has an inset replacement; skirt sides are plain. Desk has a center drawer at front flanked by two smaller drawers, each drawer has two ornate brass drop handles. Desk was used in the Governor’s Reception Room, Minnesota State Capitol Building, Saint Paul, Minn.
Local Note
Classification no. FU02F
Appendix 2
List of Contractors on the Capitol Construction, 1896-1905
From Minnesota State Capitol Commissioner’s Board/Minnesota Historical Society Library
In chronological order
Call # 113.C.1.8F
Date Category Note
Architect |
Contract with Cass Gilbert |
August 1896 |
Excavation and Foundation |
Contract with George Grant Co. |
January 1897 |
Structural Iron and Steel for basement floor |
Universal Construction Co. |
August 1897 |
General Construction |
Butler-Ryan Co./final statement of general construction |
Aug-Oct 1897 |
Concreting: Sub basement |
Lauer Brothers. |
March 1900-Dec 1902 |
Dome construction |
Butler-Ryan Co. |
July 1901-Nov 1905 |
Steps and terraces |
Butler-Ryan Co. |
Call # 113.C.1.9B
Aug 8-10, 1901 |
Marble carving |
Purdy & Hutchinson |
Sept 1901-May 1904 |
Roofing and skylights |
Butler Bros. |
Oct 1901-Dec 1905 |
Mechanical equipment -elevators -boiler plant -power house and tunnel -plumbing -electrical generation plant -electrical wiring -call bell -telephone and conduit -heating and ventilation |
WI Gray Co. |
Nov 1901-Aug 1904 |
Timbrel arches |
Guastavino Co. |
Feb 1902-Dec 1903 |
Fireproofing, metal furring, lathing, and timbrel arches |
Butler-Ryan Co. |
Feb 1902-Sept 1905 |
Plastering |
Butler-Ryan |
March 1902-June 1906 |
Ornamental Iron Work |
Flour City Ornamental Works |
March 1902 |
Interior Woodwork |
Butler Bros. |
Oct 1902-Feb 1905 |
Interior stone and marble |
Butler Bros. |
April 1903-June 1905 |
Painting and glazing |
Bazile & Partridge |
May 1903-Sept 1905 |
Artist’s contracts and bills of sale |
Blashfield French Garnsey LaFarge Millet Pyle Simmons Volk Zogbaum |
May 1903-Nov 1904 |
Elevators |
Otis Elevator |
June 1903-Feb 1905 |
Fireproof vault doors |
Diebold Safe and Lock Co. |
Aug 1903-April 1907 |
Metal shelves and cases |
Van Dorn Iron Works |
Call # 113.C.2.1B
Dec 1903-Feb 1905 |
Furniture, cabinet works, furnishings, draperies, carpets |
Field Schlick & Co. Mannheimer Bros. Schuneman & Evans Herter Bros. |
July 1904-April 1905 |
Electrical light fixtures and registers |
Sterling Bronze Co. Mitchell Vance Co. Winston Bros. |
Oct 1904 |
Asphalt roads and walkways |
Barber Asphalt Co. |
May 1905-1906 |
Sidewalks, curbs, and paving |
Barber Asphalt Co. |
Metallic fixtures in govenor’s vault |
Art Metal Construction Co. |
June 1906-June 1907 |
Approaches and sidewalks |
Butler Bros. |
Flour City Ornamental Iron Works
Northwest Architectural Archives, Manuscripts Division
213 Elmer L. Andersen Library, University of Minnesota, 222 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Guastavino Company
See Wikipedia entry for Guastavino tile and Rafael Guastavino
The records and drawings of the Guastavino Fireproof Construction Company are held by the Department of Drawings & Archives in the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University in New York City.
Bazile and Partridge
Bazille and Partridge, Incorporated -- Paints and Varnishes, 69-73 East Fifth, St. Paul.
Photographer: Charles P. Gibson
Photograph Collection 1920-1926
Location no. MR2.9 SP3.1B p46
Negative no. 1167-B
Field Schlick
Papers at Minnesota Historical Society
Call # P2473
Mannheimer Brothers/Schuneman’s Inc., company records
Minnesota Historical Society
Herter Bros.
Papers at the The Winterthur Library
The Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera
Mitchell, Vance Company
Wooten Desk
Wooton Patent Desks: A Place for Everything & Everything in its Place J. Camille Showalter and Janice Driesbach, editors Minnesota History Center Library
Appendix 3: Capitol Construction Accidental Deaths
Information File Updated 2/5/2014
Felix Arthur |
John Beirsack |
Albert Swanson |
Alfred Magnuson |
Florian Zauner |
John Corrigan |
Other Names |
Phelix Arthur[i] |
John Biessack John Prershek |
L. Magnuson[ii] Alfred Magnuson[iii] |
Florane Zauner[1] |
Place of Birth |
Nelson, GA[iv] |
Barton, WI ? (Family lived there) |
Sweden |
Sweden, immigration year 1896[v] |
Germany |
Minnesota (adopted by Patrick M. McMahon family) |
Birth Year |
1873 |
c. 1861 |
c. 1870 |
April 1877 |
April 1860 |
c. 1885 |
Parents |
Charles Arthur Julia Beaver[vi] |
Joseph & Anna Biersack |
Natural Parents: Edward and Mary Corrigan Adopted Parents: Patrick and Molly McMahon |
Ethnicity |
white |
white |
white |
white |
white |
white |
Occupation |
Stone polisher[vii] |
Laborer |
Mold caster[viii] |
Stone mason[ix] |
Laborer[x] |
Laborer[xi] |
Address |
Georgia: Pike County, GA |
491 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul |
3801 Fourth Street North, Minneapolis[xii] |
607 Jackson St, Saint Paul, MN |
686 West Water Street, St. Paul[xiii] |
798 Park Avenue, St. Paul[xiv] |
Source of Accident Details |
St. Paul Globe[xv] Minneapolis Tribune[xvi] |
Pioneer Press, 10/17/1898 Dispatch, 10/21/1898 St. Paul Globe, 10/22/1898 Warren Sheaf , 10/27/1898 |
St. Paul Globe[xvii] |
St. Paul Globe[xviii] |
St. Paul Globe[xix] |
St. Paul Globe |
Death Date |
May 5, 1898 |
October 20, 1898 |
April 27, 1900 |
June 30, 1900 |
August 4, 1900. |
June 26, 1903 |
Death Place |
State Capitol Construction Site, St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Minnesota |
State Capitol Construction Site, Saint Paul, Ramsey Co., MN |
State Capitol Construction Site, St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Minnesota |
State Capitol Construction Site, St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Minnesota |
State Capitol Construction Site, St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Minnesota |
State Capitol Construction Site, St. Paul, Ramsey Co. Minnesota |
Cause of Death |
Internal injuries-caught in fly wheel of stone polishing machine |
Skull Fracture suffered from a fall |
Fractured Cervical vertebra[xxi] |
Fractured skull[xxii] |
Severe injuries from a fall |
Skull fracture, Cervical vertebra fracture[xxiii] |
Death Certificate |
Death Certificate Card |
Death Certificate Card |
Death Certificate card |
Coroner’s Record Book |
Grave location |
Bethesda Baptist Church, Nelson, GA |
Old Saint Mary’s Cemetery, West Bend, Wisconsin |
Minneapolis Pioneers and Memorial Cemetery Burial Date: 4/30/1900 Grave 4F-N 5R Lot 4 Block 3 |
unknown |
unknown |
St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, Cherry Grove, Goodhue County, MN Section 59 |
Grave photo |
Yes[xxiv] |
No |
Yes |
No |
[i] From US Census Records
[ii] From The Saint Paul Globe, Saturday, June 30, 1900
[iii] From Minnesota Health Department Death Record Cards 1900, A-R, Roll 2
[iv] Mimi Jo Butler, Marble Valley Historical Museum, Nelson, Georgia
[v] From US Census 1990, Ramsey Co, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
[vi] From US Census 1880 for Georgia, Pickens County. Family was enumerated in Grassy Knob District (GMD 1099) of Pickens County, Georgia. National Archives, Micro Publication, T9, Reel 161.
[vii] From Mimi Jo Butler, Marble Valley Historical Museum, Nelson, Georgia
[viii] From St. Paul Globe, Saturday, April 18, 1900.
[ix]From US Census 1900, Ramsey Co, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
[x] From St. Paul Globe, Saturday, August 4, 1900, pg. 2.
[xi] From St. Paul Globe, Friday, June 26, 1903, pg. 7.
[xii] From St. Paul Globe, Saturday, April 28, 1900.
[xiii] From St. Paul Globe, Saturday August 4, 1900, pg 2.
[xiv] From The Saint Paul Globe, Friday, June 26, 1903
[xv] From St. Paul Globe, Friday, May 6, 1898.
[xvi] From Minneapolis Tribune, May 6, 1898.
[xvii] From St. Paul Globe, Saturday, April 28, 1900.
[xviii] From St. Paul Globe, Saturday, June 30, 1900, page 2.
[xix] From St. Paul Globe, Saturday August 4, 1900, pg 2.
[xx] From The Minneapolis Tribune, Friday, June 26, 1903, page 4.
[xxi] From Health Department Death Record Cards,1900, St. Paul, S-Z Roll 13.
[xxii] From Health Department Death Record Cards, 1900, St. Paul, A-R, Roll 12.
[xxiii] From Coroner’s Record Books, 1901-1975/Ramsey County, Record ID: 001735745.
[xxiv] From Mimi Jo Butler, Marble Valley Historical Museum, Nelson, Georgia
NOTE: The Minnesota State Capitol Commission and Cass Gilbert papers both report the accidental deaths of six workers on the Capitol construction.
Another serious accident was a fall by Vernon Cole (aka William), whose 70-foot drop was reported on May 20, 1899. The height of the fall and severity of skull and spinal injuries led a physician quoted in a newspaper article to say that William (Vernon) was unlikely to survive. There was no follow-up article and some may have counted him among the job’s fatalities. However, he did live until 1950 at age 69 and was married.
Another death which may have been related to the Minnesota statehouse construction occurred offsite, but nearby. Michael McNierney, a teamster who was hauling sand for an unnamed construction project within a few blocks of the Capitol, was crushed to death when his load overturned. He died the same day as Cole’s accident. The articles for both are " A Chapter of Accidents" and "His Life Crushed Out," Minneapolis Tribune, May 21, 1899, page 7.